Armed rebels in western Somaliland release new video

Borama – ( – Over the last three months, there were rumors of armed insurgents in the Awdal region in the western part of the Republic of Somaliland.  A group of around 30 men with arms and military uniform has recorded a video and shared with media.

The group has called themselves Awaaleh Insurgents and said they are stationed in the eastern part of Borama.

The rebel leaders said they would fight against the government of Muse Bihi Abdi, accusing the president of Injustice, nepotism, lack of power-sharing and less representation of Awdal and Selel regions in Somaliland top posts.

They called the people of Awdal region to take this warning seriously, and on the other hand, urged all foreigners in the region to leave immediately.

A spokesman for the rebels claimed the time for negotiations has ended and called on the Somaliland government to expect war.

“As the Awaaleh liberation forces in the regions of Awdal and Salal we want to talk about the false promises and improper ways we were treated against, there was an agreement to build a government with Somaliland, which we had together. Now It is a one-tribe or single-family government. We all have the same rights, and the country belongs to all regions.” said one of the leaders of this new group.

They have accused the Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi of not being a president for all but alleging him as the president of one-tribe.

So far, there have been no reports from the Somaliland government regarding this statement from the new So-called Awaaleh group.

Last month, there were two separate incidents involving unknown militias attacking Borama Central Police Station and an attempted ambush to government vehicle near the district. Both of these two incidents have not resulted in any casualties.

This comes a time when other rebels groups in the eastern part of the country including the Aarre rebels in northern Sanaag have not been solved.