Expelled Somaliland Female Artist says she still receives salary from the government

The eminent Somaliland female singer Sahra Ilays who announced last month that she was “sacked” from the national service has confirmed that she still receives salary from the government,the ministry of information in particular.

In an exclusive interview, Sahra Ilays affirmed that she has been working both for the national army service and the ministry of information. She stated that she was summoned by the ministry of information for inquiry after she performed songs at Waddani second general assembly’s convention. However she didn’t get a response from the officials on the first day, they told her she will be contacted.

Sahra ilays said she later received her salary from the ministry while she was in fear of being fired from the ministry. She clarified that she is not still a member of the Somaliland national army service and lost that job after she performed songs for the opposition party.

CBA TV asked her if she had changed her mind and would sing for WADDANI party on other occasions. She fearlessly stated that she will keep singing to all national parties and nothing stops her from doing so.
