lawyer Mubarak Aar says the ban of CBA TV in Somaliland was illegal

A well-known Somaliland lawyer and political analyst Mubarak Aar accused Somaliland’s ministry of information of breaching the constitution, especially the separation of powers and acted as both the judiciary and executive systems during the ban of CBA TV, one of the leading and privately owned TV stations In Somaliland.

He said the ministry cannot be at the same time with the plaintiff and the judiciary system regarding the case of the television citing the decision of the ministry to close the headquarters of the TV without the permission of the judiciary.

The lawyer urged the government to hold accountable the media houses and their journalists to the country’s media law and that could be “enough punishment to the miscreants” he said.

The Director General of CBA, Hussein Jama previously said they will “challange the ban in court” in an exlusive interview with the committee to protect journalists. Most international and local media freedom advocates have strongly crtisised the ban of the TV in Somaliland.

Somaliland journalists from West to East regions also added their voice to allow the operation of CBA TV in Somaliland by the government.