Somaliland army chief says they want to live in peace with Somalia’s Puntland state

In a response to a statement made by Somalia’s Puntland state army chief on Thursday, the Somaliland army chief Nuh Ismail Tani clarified in strong terms that Somaliland wants to live in peace with all neighboring countries, of which Somalia is among them.

Tani said any military advancement taken by his troops did not violate other country’s territorial borders following the siege of Boo’ame village by the Somaliland army last week. He told Somalia’s Puntland officials to keep a distance from the statements that could create tension between the two countries.

The Somaliland army chief revealed Puntland’s plans to wage war on Somaliland territories, however, he said his army is fully ready to defend their country. On the otherside, Somaliland army chief declined an accusation made by the Puntland officials that Somaliland is a state terrorist sponsored.

He further said that the recent repot released by the US government on Somalia’s terrorists are mostly hail from Somalia’s Puntland state.