Somaliland Vice President regrets 70% of Somaliland youth to be unemployed

The Vice President of Somaliland, Abdirahman Abdillahi Ismail (Saylici) expressed dissatisfaction that 70% of Somaliland youth are currently unemployed. He believes the increased rate of unemployment is due to mistakes coming from within the community.

The Vice President called upon the public to unite and initiate new strategies to decrease the growing rate of unemployment in Somaliland. He said it’s the right time for Somaliland to produce skilled youth in the various competences.

On the other side, The Vice President blamed the business community for not paying taxes regularly, urging them to change this behavior for the benefit of this country to achieve speedy progress.

Abdirahman Saylici stated that most business communities prioritize building beautiful and tall buildings over paying tax. He said the tax revenue plays a key role in Somaliland’s economic growth.